Easy And Delicious Breakfast Eggs In A Hole

I have to admit, I’m not really a breakfast person anymore. I belong to the club of just coffee drinkers in the morning.

But if we have sourdough bread at home and fresh eggs from our neighbour’s chickens … Well, who can say no to scrumptious breakfast eggs in a hole dish.

Related post: Our Easy No-Knead Sourdough Bread

breakfast eggs in a hole
crunchy bread with perfectly cooked eggs – a match made in heaven

I like this breakfast dish especially on lazy Sunday mornings ideally paired with some yummy waffles or pancakes for the sweet part afterwards.

By the way, if you don’t have a wafflemaker, check out my post on how to make waffles without a waffle iron.

Another great match with our breakfast eggs in a hole would be my skillet potatoes with onion dish.

Whatever you fancy, you can’t go wrong with any of my breakfast ideas.

breakfast eggs
That’s how I like my eggs

Enough being said, let’s check out my detailed recipe on how you can make these flavoursome breakfast eggs in just under 15 minutes.

So, pour yourself a cup of Joe and get cooking.

Easy And Delicious Breakfast Eggs In A Hole

I do hope you liked this recipe. Please let me know what your favourite breakfast dish is, Do you prefer sweet or savoury dishes?

I can’t wait to hear your comments.

Happy Cooking!

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