Scrumptious Tortilla Egg Rolls

Now, here is a recipe for you that is so easy and quick to make, in just under 15 minutes.

Tortilla egg rolls are healthy, full of protein, and they are fantastic for the kid’s lunchboxes, a hearty breakfast, or a satisfying light lunch.

In my books, these scrumptious tortilla egg rolls tick all the boxes. Best of all, you can add any vegetables you like.

You could add bell pepper, spinach, mushroom, tomatoes, and for non-vegetarians, you could add, ham, salami, or bacon.

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tortilla egg wrap

I saw this recipe first on Nadiya Hussain’s cooking show on Netflix and tried it the very next day. My kids and hubby loved it so much, that I now have to cook it on a regular basis.

But with most recipes, I always put my own little spin on it. I have to admit, very rarely do I follow a recipe to a T. Instead, I use them as inspiration and make them my own.

I would encourage you to do the same. Try different things and see what you like best.

tortilla egg rolls with sweet chili sauce on the side

For simple dishes like this, it is important to get the best ingredients possible. If you can, use organic fresh eggs from free-range chickens.

You might even have your own chooks and a little garden with herbs and vegetables. I always grow some herbs on my window sill in the kitchen.

But for now, here is the recipe for these delicious and tasty tortilla egg rolls.

Scrumptious Tortilla Egg Rolls

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